The Good German ...
... Not really related to the Steven Soderbergh film, but, instead, to a very nice sample of a Steinheil Auto-D-Tele-Quinar 135 f/2.8, in M42 screw mount, with its original cap and hood ...

Bought some months ago, i didn't really had the time to test it, until a few weeks ago. Having used a broken Quinar 135/3.5, i was aware of the great quality of the Steinheil lenses, but this one exceeds all my expectations ...
It has a very good color rendering and perfectly usable sharpness even wide open, as in the sample below:

And the bokeh, even when stopped down, is really pleasant ...
At f/5.6:

There is no lack of definition, too, as you can see in the eye of the peacock below:

especially if you check the full size picture, here ...
Note that this picture has been taken with a 12mm extension ring, to lower the minimum focusing distance from 1.7m to about 60cm ...
The CA is almost absent, too, or easily fixed through a little processing:

The focusing ring turns for about 330° from infinity to the minimum focusing distance of 1.7m, allowing a very precise focus point. And the diaphragm ring is really easy to use with a single finger, with clicks every half a stop ...
The big cons of this lens is its filter thread of 54mm, which makes almost impossible to find any polarizer for it (luckily, i got this lens with the original hood) ...
If interested in more sample pics, feel free to browse to my Flickr photostream here ...
Labels: Pentax K10D, Steinheil Quinar 135 f2.8
Ah! I am even regret to sell it! Now I am using a Schacht 135/3,5, it has a good color rendering but not sharp as Steinheil, the CZJ 135 seems be too flat..
The reason I sell this lens is it's coating is too easy to be hurt, so please take care!
Ps: @ f2,8, there will be a little bluring, like soft focus.
Hi, happy to see you here ...
Don't worry about the lens, i will really take care of it (it is probably the best 135mm in my collection, even better than my Takumar 135/3.5) ...
For the blurring, up to now i have no problems (the red flower above was shot wide open, although by mistake) ...
Now, if only i could find a decent 54mm threaded UV filter (or, even better, an UV and a polarizer) ...
Don't regret to having told it to me, it is in a good home ;-) ...
Thanks for commenting
Hi there,
Thanks for the review. I'm wondering how the auto-tele-quinar (does not have "D" letter) 135mm 3.5 compare with it.
Thanks a million 😍
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